the stillness between two waves of the sea... / 2
0 0 9
"Best Duo Dance Production 2010" winner of SzoloDuo International Dance Festival / Budapest
w w w . s z o l o d u o . c o m
like a single form,
fixing eyes straight forward,
two people walk slowly,
each like the other,
their destination shared.
Together, they need no sign
to stop or start;
they may be more than two,
they may travel at speed,
it is the same.
Understanding not of words,
a resonance in fact,
through a dialogue of consciousness.../
/ Excerpt from 'Resonance from Far Away' by Ushio
Amagatsu /

| _Brian
Tjon Tjauw Liem
| _Brian
Tjon Tjauw Liem
_Margreet Nuijten
music | _Aliona
Reviews: @ Korzo, NL/
Reviews: @ Korzo-2, NL/