/.....There is, somewhere in the world, a music whose beauty comes not from vibration but where beauty becomes vibration.
An orchestra made up only of percussion, but that plays melodies… What genre of music does it play ?
How to define it ? Do we gain something by knowing about it, by hearing it ? Definitions, generalities, illustrations to try
to grasp what is that instrumental ensemble we call gamelan. /

Theater Kikker, Utrecht / Sep.28, 2007
'GONGON' audio/ 01 audio/ 02
composition for gong and 8 gamelan players, 10 min, 2007
'GONGON' is a non-traditional, contemporary composition for amplified gong ageng and 8 players, written for ensemble Gending.
Contrary to traditional gamelan music, in this composition the Gong Ageng is a leading instrument.
are no doubts about the beauty and depth of the sound of Gong Ageng.
The idea of zooming into its sound,
bringing to the surface the
internal vibrations of this instrument through the amplification, which
reveals to us rich and
hidden textures, is the main inspiration of the
piece. An abstract sound scape weaved carefully by invisible dialog
instruments of the gamelan - one story "told" by many voices...